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Very Funni Pictures

This is where i have loads of funny pictures that hopefully wil make u laugh and give u happyness :0) Lol or its sumit to do to pass the time :P


This is class lol, thts the one thing cartoonists never think of when they draw animals :P


lol the price of innocence lol very funny cartoon tht alwys makes me laugh :)


I think this is just class dono why lol, but it makes me laugh wen i see it so thts wot matters + one of my frends sent it in :0)


This you may remember from around my site but i just thought it was sooo priceless and i hav neva seen this joke made before eva :D


Typical Guy lol Very funny, and a gd drawing no ? :P


All these pictures of yoda are worrying me, i meen u cnt be a jedi master and be drunk as a skunk!!

Weebl and Bob!!

Hehe very funny!! Spec for all u weebl and bob fans out there!! woo :D


Keep Sending Them In Guys !!!